Who let the Dogs out?

Canine Bowen Technique (CBT)

The body technique for your dog.

Dogs should - like us humans - have a regular access to bodywork. Does your dog often have health problems or show any behavioral abnormality? This is usually a sign that something is out of balance. As Canine Bowen Technique Practitioners we support your dog to get into a better inner balance.

A creature that is comfortable and in the best possible health is usually a happy creature.

Canine Bowen Technique (CBT) is a gentle form of bodywork. The dog is not held down nor is anything forced on him. The dog determines the pace and the process. We would be happy to inform you personally about the possibilities that a Canine Bowen Technique offers your dog.

Giving the dog the opportunity to find increased or new quality of life. We do not work with diseases or symptoms, but always with the whole dog. Together we also look at what things in the dog's life might be standing in the way of this improved quality of life.

Support for your dog

Canine Bowen Technique (CBT) aims to support the body's natural ability to heal and rebalance your dog. It can be supportive in the following situations:

  • Acute injuries, such as sprains and strains
  • Pre- and postoperative, support of convalescence
  • Chronic processes and degenerative diseases
  • Accompanying treatment of acute and chronic diseases
  • Reduction of stress and tension
  • Trauma processing
  • Behavioral issues of all kinds
  • General complaints of old ageSupport for dogs that have to perform a lot (e.g. working dogs)
  • Preventive measures.