Who let the Dogs out?
SRF Aktuell Hundeschule Obligatorium Katharina Thommen

SRF aktuell asks - Sachkundenachweis in Basel from 2024?


A planned partial revision of the dog law is to bring back compulsory courses for dog owners from 2024. The Basel government wants to reintroduce mandatory courses for dog owners. It is proposed that first-time dog owners must attend a practical dog training course.

On September 29, 2023, SRF NEWS Aktuell broadcast a report on this topic - with the participation of WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?

Many thanks to Catherine Thommen and her team for the chance to give a short insight into the importance of Empathic Dog Management. You can find the complete contribution on SRF here (German).

Here you can find the submitted draft (in German) for the partial revision of the law concerning the keeping of dogs (dog law) - Formal-legal basis for the obligation to attend a dog training course (certificate of competence for dogs)

A public consultation will be held from September 12 to December 12, 2023.