Welcome to our dog training. WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? is a network of qualified dog trainers from Basel and Zurich with all cantonal authorizations.
We are happy to welcome you and your dog.
A frequently aseked question... Please contact me directly or have a look at the homepage of the veterinary office in Basel (unfortunately not available in english) or asked Mrs Nicole Schnyder (Hundekontrolle dog control).
Dog training of WHO LET THE DOGS OUT at a glance. Get registered. Looking forward to seeing you ; )
From 20 December 2024 to
10 January 2025
will be on vacation.
You find a huge variety of different classes: we offer the mandatory classes, puppy classes, and different activity classes with creative ides for your daily life with your dog.
Your native language is not german ? No worries - we offer permanently english classes for dog owners. Please contact me. I would be more then happy to organize individual private lessons or group classes for you.
We work without pressure. Joy is for us mandatory. We are happy about all little success stories. We use gentle, kind, reward based methods to help you train your dog and build a better understanding of canine behavior and language.